Miguel Torrecillias
Personal Trainer
My Body | Personal Trainer is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to exceed your expectations.
My Body | Personal Trainer, overall goal is to help as many people as possible achieve the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. In order for My Body | Personal Trainer to achieve this goal they have developed and deployed an informational website called MYBODYPT.com that will help to increase their search engine, blog and social network visibility thus increasing brand recognition and additional website traffic for My Body | Personal Trainer assets.
With the current economic conditions and increasing competitive landscape, My Body | Personal Trainer, will have to focus its attention on increasing their brand awareness through their collaborative social networks, client referrals, direct sales, existing resources and online strategic marketing management and business relationships.
MYBODYPT.com will be the primary digital asset that My Body | Personal Trainer will leverage to help grow their online personal training program and products business. They will accomplish this by:
Miguel Torrecillias
Personal Trainer
My Body | Personal Trainer is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to exceed your expectations.
kennygsmith Creative Consulting
Kenneth Smith | Cameron Smith
Online marketing strategies are designed to help drive targeted visitors to your website by positioning your website to the top search results of the major search engines like Google, Yahoo Search, BING, and AltaVista for specific keyword searches as well as back links, word of mouth and public awareness. kennygsmith Creative Consulting applies proven principles to fully understand what's happening in your competitive marketplace.