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Marketplace Dashboards

SimpliGO Disaster Preparedness DMN

  • Situational awareness or situation awareness (SA) is the perception of environmental elements and events with respect to time or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their future status. Situation awareness has been recognized as a critical, yet often elusive, foundation for successful decision-making across a broad range of situations, including aviation, air traffic control, ship navigation, health care, emergency response, military command and control operations, and offshore oil and nuclear power plant management. Lacking or inadequate situation awareness has been identified as one of the primary factors in accidents attributed to human error. The formal definition of SA is broken down into three segments: perception of the elements in the environment, comprehension of the situation, and projection of future status. Three facets of SA have been in focus in research: SA states, SA systems, and SA processes. SA states refers to the actual awareness of the situation. |read more

Dallas Area Rapit Transit | Prototype

  • Curb-to-curb public transportation service for people with disabilities who are unable to use DART buses or trains. DART Paratransit Service is a curb-to-curb public transportation service for people with disabilities who are unable to use DART buses or trains. Paratransit is a shared-ride service operated with modern, accessible vehicles, and taxi cabs. Riders who are unable to access vans by using steps can use the wheelchair lifts or ramps. On the large accessible vans, boarding chairs are available upon request. DART also offers free travel training, along with travel ambassadors, to persons with disabilities who are capable of riding accessible bus and rail services. |read more

ONE Network

  • One Network’s Real Time Value Network™ provides community based supply chain solutions in the cloud to help customers increase profitability and efficiencies by optimizing their supply chain operations. Our software solutions enables customers to easily collaborate with all their value chain participants on a single network ─ customers, partners, carriers and suppliers. Companies struggle to keep up with an ever-changing marketplace. To succeed, they must react to short-term challenges while still furthering their long-term strategic vision. The Real Time Value Network’s Integrated Business Planning services optimizes your short-term decisions while ensuring that your long-term goals are being met. The cloud-based Real Time Value Network tracks, monitors, and plans continuously and in real time. The Real Time Value Network is designed to provide value for multiple industries. Leaders in retail, CPG, High-Tech, Automotive, Industrial Manufacturing, Logistics, and Public Sector and Defense are already connected to the Real Time Value Network. With more than 30,000 organizations are already connected to the Real Time Value Network, some of your trading partners are probably already onboarded. |read more

GM Automotive Transport

  • GM Automotive Transport (GMAT) takes pride in providing on time passenger transport to and from non-emergency medical scheduled appointments. Our mission is to help veterans and seniors improve and maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle and to maximize their quality of life. GMAT is concerned about the ever-changing demographics in our service area and committed to growing and adapting our marketplace network to embrace the mobility challenges. GMAT is committed to establishing Device-to-Cloud Mobility Resource Centers throughout the community to address today's mobility challenges. The focus is to implement mobility transport applications and solutions that are adaptable and easy to deploy across a collaborative network of connected business units. GMAT offers a full range of non-emergency transport services designed to meet the demanding needs of our customers. Timely, reliable, measurable and efficient non-emergency transportation enables our customers to continue to improve paasenger access and flow while realizing substantial cost savings |read more