- Predicting The Future Of Digital Marketplaces
- The U.S. B2B eCommerce market is predicted to be worth $1.2T by 2022 according to Forrester.
- 75% of marketing executives say that reaching customers where they prefer to buy is the leading benefit a company gains from selling through an e-commerce marketplace according to Statista.
- 67% strongly agree to the importance of B2B e-commerce being critical to their business's advantages and results in their industry
- Digital Marketplaces are flourishing today thanks to the advances made in Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, real-time personalization and the scale and speed of the latest generation of cloud platforms including the Google Cloud Platform. Today’s digital marketplaces are capitalizing on these technologies to create trusted, virtual trading platforms and environments buyers and sellers rely on for a wide variety of tasks every day.
- PHP Transport develops and deploys a multi-business multi-collaborative Digital Marketplace Network (DMN) platforms. PHP Transport is currently in the process of designing a smart (AI) platform integrating social media (viral effect) engaging users | buyers, service offerings (value-added products) sellers | marketplace participants, e-commerce (secure payment) contracts | transactions. Providing an online user experience that attracts and retains new generation millennials.
The Digital Marketplace Network
Digital Marketplace Network
A Multi-Business Multi-Collaborative Digital Marketplace Network. Creating an ecosystem of device-driven applications which focuses on transparency. Moving beyond decision-support to decision-making and autonomous control.
The design and development of the online Situational Disaster Preparedness Digital Marketplace Network That remains consistent with mobile devices and matches the branded physical environments.
Disaster Preparation DMN
No matter how well you plan for a disastrous event, you aren’t ready for it when it occurs. Make a plan today. Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to know which types of disasters could affect your area.
Campus Community Discovery C2D DMN is designed to inspire, educate and mentor next-generation explorers (NGE) with the use of emerging technology.
Campus Community Discovery DMN mobile app
Subject-matter-experts (SME) can offer mentoring and training in AI, Robotics, Coding, Game Development, 3D Animation, Graphic Design, Web Design, Application Development, Network Engineering, Computer Hardware, Social Media Marketing and much more.
DMN Device-Driven Applications
- SimpliGO DMN is PHP Transport's integrated cloud-based workflow modules that provides collaborative integrated solutions across device-driven applications. This is made possible through the experiences of our industry experts and our next generation cloud-based services that make rapid UI-UX prototyping and production deployments possible.
- SimpliGO DMN analytics gives you the ability to use digital analytical tools your customers need to analyze their data from all touch-points in one place, for a deeper understanding of the customer experience. You can then share the insights that matter with your entire organization.
- The aspect of any successful digital transformation strategy is personalization, and to the extent, any organization can redefine every system, workflow, and product to that goal is the extent to which they’ll grow.
- PHP Transport's technology group can personalize a device-driven application for download onto your branded iPhone or iPad from the Apple AppStore. Developing for Apple platforms will give your clients the cutting-edge technology of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS at your fingertips Customers and clients can use your customized DMN Planner to decrease missed scheduled appointments, discover great places to visit, eat, drink, shop and enjoy.
The new generation of users—that your business needs to attract, retain, and engage—will demand a fast-paced, technology-driven marketplace where transparency and independent thinking are encouraged.
Social Digital Marketing Community DMN
The apps focus is on promoting multi-collaborative awareness, delivering near-real time information, educating the market and an advancing a positive image for our clients to persuade their target audience.
Digital marketplaces are some of the hardest businesses to build and, not surprisingly, are becoming increasingly more complex as customers' demands and expectations grow.
Paratransit Mobility Manager DMN
Platform design isn’t just about creating the underlying technology. It’s about understanding and creating the whole business and how it will create value for and build a network. Developing a collaborative device-driven app to provide timely, reliable, measurable and efficient non-emergency transportation.
Multi-business Multi-collaborative digital marketplace network.
Strategic relationships with users and marketplace participants.